Characterisation of film-developer combinations

Granularity and grain structure

1) Basics

The grain structure of analogue images (especially black and white images) is an important characteristic in which analogue and digital images differ significantly. The grain structure is by no means just a limitation of analogue technology, but a means of design, which is also reflected in the fact that there are various ‘modules’ in digital image processing that attempt to imitate the grain structure of analogue photographs and also of special films.

The characteristic grain structure of analogue images results from the fact that the image density consists of irregularly distributed silver crystals that also vary in size and structure. These are formed during exposure and subsequent development from the silver bromide crystals embedded in a gelatine layer (the emulsion) by reducing the silver bromide to metallic silver.

The individual silver crystals (the silver grain) have a typical size in the range $0.2 - 1 \mu m$ and are not directly visible in a ‘normal’ optical image of the negative. Example: a very good magnification lens such as the Apo-Rodagon 2.8/50mm has an MTF of 0.88 (manufacturer's specification) at an optimum aperture of 5.6 for 20 LP/mm, which corresponds to a point spread function with $\sigma = 4 \mu m$. The microscope I use has a resolution of approx. $1.5 \mu m$ at a magnification of 250x.

The subjective graininess of a uniformly illuminated surface visible in the image is the result of the blurred image of the irregular grain structure (granularity) due to the limited resolution.
The following Figure 1 is a simplified simulation: the left image shows an irregular distribution of light-dark ‘pixels’ of uniform size (e.g. $0.3\mu m$), the right image shows this ‘viewed’ through a microscope with a point spread function with $\sigma=5 pixels = 1.5\mu m$, resulting in the familiar ‘grain image’ of a black and white film.

Fig 1: Simulated grain structure. Left image: 0.3 µm grain size, no resolution limit. Right image: same structure with 1.5 µm optical resolution.

For comparison, Figure 2 shows a real microscope image of a surface with optical density D=1 at 250x magnification of a film with very fine grain and, at the same magnification, a section of the object micrometer for calibrating the length scale. The distance between the marks is $10\mu m$. This image illustrates both the resolution of the microscope and the pixel noise of the images.

Fig 2: Left image: Real image of a uniformly illuminated surface of a very fine-grained film at 250x magnification. Right image: Image of an object micrometer at the same magnification. The distance between the marks is 10μm.

Uniformly exposed areas of optical density D=1 were used to measure the granularity (from the grey scale wedges of the densitometer measurement).

It is important that the microscope images are recorded in RAW format and therefore the unaltered information from the digital data of the camera sensor can be used for evaluation. The digital data of an image section of 1520 x 1520 pixels was read into Mathematica and analysed.

2) Definition and measurement of RMS granularity

As explained in the previous section, characterising ‘graininess’ by specifying the actual grain size is neither simply possible nor meaningful. The decisive factor is rather the non-uniform brightness structure of a uniformly illuminated surface that results from it. Kodak has proposed the following measuring method: using a microdensitometer with a circular aperture of 48 µm diameter, the optical density of a uniformly illuminated surface of average density D=1 is measured at many different points. The RMS granularity is defined from the scattering width of these measured values obtained in this way, more precisely as the 1,000-fold of the ‘root mean square’ (the mean square deviation from the average value). According to Kodak, this is a good measure of the ‘perceived graininess’ of the film material. (Quote: ‘Recent tests done with large numbers of observers have demonstrated a correlation between relative granularity and relative graininess.’, Kodak Publication E-58).

Background: the range of variation (RMS) of the brightness is determined by the number $N$ of grains in the observation area in a statistical distribution of ‘light-dark objects’ (grains). The number of grains is now equal to the area of the aperture $A$ divided by the area of the individual grain $a$, so one can expect that with an average density of D=1 the RMS behaves as $RMS = 1/\sqrt{\frac{a}{a_k}}=const.\sqrt{a_k}$. The square root of the (mean) area $\sqrt{a_k}$ of the grain is a direct measure of its size, the factor 1000 and the 48 µm are arbitrary constants.

If you do not use a microdensitometer but the digitised microscope image, you can also check this underlying assumption as you can freely select the area (aperture) over which the average is taken. To do this, divide the microscope image into square areas of side length $d$ as shown in Figure 3 and determine the scattering width (RMS) of the mean densities of these squares. From the context mentioned above, it is expected that the product of RMS and $\sqrt{a}$ is constant and that the RMS granularity results directly from this constant (taking into account the 48 μm and the factor 1000).

To avoid the RMS value being distorted by uneven illumination of the image, the difference in the density of neighbouring cells is used instead of the mean density. The RMS value of this difference is $\sqrt{2}$ greater than that of the densities themselves, which can be easily corrected. It must now be taken into account that the above-mentioned relationship between RMS and aperture area only applies if this is sufficiently large in relation to the ‘structure size’ of the grain size $a_k$ . This visible structure size in the image (!) is determined by the grain size and the resolution. If the aperture ‘a’ is reduced further and further, neighbouring cells lie within the same structure and the difference in densities approaches zero. The product of RMS and $\sqrt{a}$ is therefore only constant for $a>>a_k$, in general one expects a relationship according to

$$ RMS * \sqrt{a} = const\frac{\sqrt{a}}{\sqrt{a+a_k}}$$

Fig. 4: The product $RMS \sqrt{a}$ as a function of the side length of the cells for 4 different film developer combinations (from top to bottom) : TriX-FX39, TriX-D76, Tmax400-XTOL and Tmax100-Wehner/Alpha. The dashed lines are the expected curve derived from the formula above, each with two free, adjusted parameters (structure size and RMS value).

Figure 4 shows that the product $RMS \sqrt{a}$ behaves exactly as expected, the dashed lines correspond to the expectation according to the formula given above with two free parameters, the constant $const$ and the visible structure size $a_k$. The RMS granularity according to the Kodak definition $RMS_D$ for the circular aperture with a diameter of 48 μm can be determined very precisely from the constant $const$, regardless of the optical resolution:

$$ RMS_D = 1000*const \frac{2}{48\sqrt{\pi}}$$

Fig. 3: Subdivision of the microscope image into cells of different sizes to determine the RMS granularity. Image section 100x100 pixels, cell size 4x4 and 20x20 pixels. Right image : Image section 300x300 pixels, cell size 4x4, 20x20, 50x50 and 100x100 pixels.

In the left-hand image of Fig. 3, the bottom row shows yellow squares of 4x4 pixels, the top row shows squares of 20x20 pixels, side length approx. 1µm and 5 µm. The pixel size here is smaller or in the range of the visual structure size of the grain structure. The image on the right also shows squares of 50x50 pixels and 100x100 pixels, side length 12.5μm and 25 μm. These cells are significantly larger than structures in the grain image, here the product $RMS \sqrt{a}$ should be constant.
For the numerical analysis, the entire image (1500x1500 pixels) is divided into cells of 2x2 to 100x100 pixels and the respective RMS value associated with the cell size is determined.

The result for 4 different film developer combinations is shown in Figure 4.

3) Results

The following table summarises the measured RMS granularities and the visual structure size of the grain sorted by ascending RMS granularity.
In addition to the 36 combinations of the comparative study, some additional film-developer combinations are given. The lower limit of the RMS granularity is marked by the SPUR Ultra R800 film, a document film with very low sensitivity and a steep density curve, which should only be of very limited use for pictorial photography. At the upper end is the push development of the Tmax-400 film in Spur Shadowmax developer, which achieves a speed of ISO 1250 with still very acceptable grain.

An overview of the values sorted by film can be found here —> results grainstructure.

The comparison of granularity - resolution and edge sharpness can be found here —> correlations.

All microscope images of the film grain of the study can be found on the individual pages of the films together with the images of the resolution and edge sharpness.